Strategic Analysis
The Planning and Business Intelligence unit undertakes analysis on a range of topics related to student load planning, admissions, student experience and higher education sector policy. This analysis is supported by a number of performance dashboards. Copies of the papers are stored on the Reportal for staff to access and cover the following topics;
Admissions: Included in this collection are reports relating to domestic QTAC admissions, both within UQ as well as sector wide comparisons and market analysis. These papers are only available to staff with approved QTAC access.
Student experience, retention and graduate outcomes: These papers are available to all staff and cover a range of topics including the results of national Student Experience Survey (SES), the Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) and Graduate Outcome Survey - Longitudinal (GOS-L). Further information on the variety of student surveys that UQ conducts can also be found here.
External Policy Environment: Within the higher education sector a number of issues have recently received attention nationally and UQ has responded with a number of submissions to government bodies. These submissions, available to all staff, cover a range of topics including; funding, quality and admissions transparency.